Sunday, December 1, 2013

Report of Recent PTO Events

Fall Into Reading Book Fair

Another successful book fair! We sold 443 books, for a total of $2,242.97. This is about $700 less than the two previous Fall fairs, but definitely not too shabby.

Fun fact: Over the last 3 years, we have placed approximately 3000 books in the hands of Capital Prep kids, for a grand total of 11,247.48 scholastic bucks!

Lyman Pie Sales

Thanks to our families, teachers and staff: you sold 337 pies and 141 packs of cookie dough. WOW!!!

What went well:

- Pick up was sweet as pie - everything was in order and ready when customers arrived

 What did not go so well:

- Some forms did not make it home
- Some forms and dollars did not make it out of the backpacks

Next time, the PTO will:

- Remind advisors to distribute the forms placed in their mailboxes to children
- Share information with parents about how they can get more forms
- Remind advisors and parents to ask their children if order forms were turned in

Overall, we are very thankful to all the families who supported the event. The profit from this year’s event was $2,700 and it will go towards the PTO events targeted for 2013/2014.