PTO Board and General Meetings

Our general PTO Meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Meetings are generally held in the Elizabeth Horton Sheff Center at Capital Preparatory Magnet School and begin with a meet-n-greet at 6:00, followed by a call-to-order at 6:10. Our goal for the 2013-2014 school year is to keep most of the PTO Meetings to an hour; however, there will be a couple meetings during the school year that might last slightly longer.

Everyone is invited to attend PTO General Meetings. The Capital Prep PTO also has an “open door policy” so please feel free to bring school-age and younger children along with you. It might be a good idea to bring an activity to keep them busy during the meeting. Children are only permitted in the room where the meeting is taking place.

If you have a question or a concern that you would like addressed during a PTO Meeting, please email Capital Prep’s PTO at to be added to the agenda. There will be no off-topic discussions or addressing items that are not on the meeting’s agenda, unless otherwise noted as “Open Floor/Discussion Time.” All agenda additions must be submitted via email and must be received by the board no later than the Tuesday prior to the following week’s meeting.

Over the course of the school year, the month’s agenda as well as the previous month’s minutes will be located on the PTO's web site: The PTO Secretary will do her best to get the month’s agenda posted by the Monday prior to the Thursday meeting. The Executive Board meets the 2nd Thursday of every month and following the Executive Board Meeting, the agenda for the General Meeting will be posted and emailed out. The previous month’s minutes will be approved at the beginning of each PTO meeting.