Thursday, October 10, 2013

PTO General Meeting - Oct 17, 6 PM Sheff Center

CALLING ALL FATHERS, mothers, grandmothers, and guardians to the next PTO General Meeting being held at Capital Prep in the Sheff Center on Thursday 17th October, 6:00 PM.

Being featured in next week’s meeting is C-Prep Senior, Ms. Dakili Barnett and the founder of Real Dads Forever, Doug Edwards. Ms. Barnett’s social justice project is attempting to ignite a strengthening fatherhood initiative that would become an integral part of Capital Prep culture. All parents and guardians of currently enrolled students, and especially fathers, are encouraged to come to this important meeting to hear about the initiative and to support one of our seniors. In addition to Ms. Barnett's presentation, we'll share information on recently completed and current PTO initiatives.

Please mark your calendars.