Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Box Tops Collection Begins!

Dear Capital Prep Families,

My name is Tiffany Nichols and I’m the Box Tops for Education® Coordinator at CPMS. I wanted to send out a letter to introduce myself and let you know about the Box Tops program at our school.

Box Tops for Education is a national school earnings program that has been around since 1996. Since then, schools across the country have earned over half a billion dollars from Box Tops to buy whatever they need.

Our school’s goal this year is to earn $1000.00 for Capital Prep. Earn cash for your school by clipping 10¢ Box Tops from hundreds of products and having your kids bring them in to their advisor. Start clipping today!

Also, at the end of each quint, the advisory team that brings in the most Box Tops will win a great prize!