Lower School Families: keep count of the activities you do with and for your scholars and check totals with their child's advisor. All families should receive a final count from your advisor on a card and bring that with you to the Lower School Spring Dance. The prizes this school year are spectacular!
Note events you do outside of school that count (like museum outings, etc) are worth up to 20 points. Your advisor will tally the in-school events (from sign-in sheets), but remind your advisors about all the school events (including PTO meetings!) you attended throughout the 2013/2014 school year.
Visit the local library – Attend the C-Prep Art Exhibit – Attend PTO Meetings – Participate in Math Night – Attend a Football Game – Visit a Museum – Go Apple-Picking – Attend a Town Fair – Visit a State Park – Visit A Zoo – Attend a Board of Education Meeting – Volunteer in the Classroom (Parents/Guardians) – Attend in A Local Sports Event (Whale, UCONN) – Attend a Play – Attend a C-Prep Volleyball, Soccer, Cross Country Event – Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen – Go to a Festival of Lights – Participate in a Walk/Run – Play in a Corn Maze – Go to A Trampoline Park – Participate in Town Sports (Baseball Gymnastics, Soccer, etc) – Take a Day Trip to Another State – Spend time family bowling -- Participate in Wadsworth Family Saturday events -- Visit the Science Center -- Work the Book Fair -- and much much more...