Tuesday, October 22, 2013

CANCELED - Trunk Or Treat - Oct 31st 5:30 - 7:30 PM

The C-Prep PTO Trunk-or-Treat event takes place on October 31st on the back lawn of Capital Prep.

We need volunteers to set up booths, help with parking, sell concessions and supervise group activities and games *Please sign up* to help with the event.

Trunk-or-Treat provides a safe environment for families to enjoy an inexpensive evening of fun in a festival atmosphere! Children go from car trunk to car trunk to get their bag filled with goodies.

 Be sure to bring your friends, your neighbors – why? (Kids) This will be so much fun you should even invite your parents!

All attending grown-ups are encouraged to decorate their car trunks and hand out sweet treats. There will be prizes go to the BEST-decorated cars!! And, plan to come with your decorated trunks & lots of candy for the kids. Here are some decoration ideas: Link.

See you there!