Monday, September 16, 2013

Register for the C-Prep PTO Midnight Basketball Competition

**It's OVERtime to sign up for the
C-Prep PTO Midnight Basketball Competition**

The event takes place on Friday, October 4, from 7pm-12am, in the Capital Prep Gymnasium
Every 4th to 12th grade student, every parent/guardian, every teacher,
and every C-Prep staff member is invited to sign up now!
Games will be 5-on-5
4th and 5th graders will play together
6th - 12th graders will play together

Registration fee students: $10 each  * Teachers/staff and parents: $15 each

Every participant will receive a t-shirt

Complete the registration section and return form with cash payment in an envelope marked, C-Prep PTO Midnight Basketball, by September 27, 2013 Now!.